terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2008

The adventure of the money

It has been raining where I live for 16 days straight, although it finally looks like sun.

Coming from Oregon, you’d think I’d be used to the rain. And in a way, I am, but as Meagan pointed out yesterday: when it rains in Oregon, it could rain all day and you wouldn’t even care because it’s barely even drizzling. But here, when it’s raining, it’s dropping buckets.

Last week was the hardest. At first I didn’t mind because I’d rented a car with my parents. But when I was stuck in the house without a car, I began to mind a whole lot more.

I couldn’t rent movies, because it was raining. I couldn’t buy food, because it was raining. And also I’d run out of money, more on that later. Eventually we’d give up and go out to drench ourselves in quest of food, then coop ourselves up inside the house again.

It has now flooded outside my house. Luckily there’s no standing water inside the house, although everything is moldy: my backpack, Thiago’s guitar bag, my EARRINGS, our shoes, etc. There’s random water all over the place, all the food and paper is moist, and the clothes we washed last week still haven’t been taken in because they’re still damp. But the worst part is going in and out of the house.

In the driveway there’s standing water that hits my knees when I pedal through it on top of the bicycle. So to get in and out of the house, we’ve been walking through the wilderness, to cross the ditch at a place where it’s not as deep, but equally smelly and with equal potential for snakes.

This rain sucked, but at least there’s lots of fruit growing. Sometimes even when it was raining I’d venture outside to climb the cashew trees and fill myself up on various berries and fruits. After the rain stopped, even the cat (Pirate Mew Mew of the Seven Seas) has been following me out on these little adventures.

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